Partnerships are

Want to Join Forces to Drive IT
Project Management to a Grand New Era?

Let’s Revolutionize IT Project Management Together

We’re on a mission to drive products to success, one empowered IT Project Management Professional at a time. We would love for you to be a part of that journey.

How You Can Partner With Us

Product Partnership

Have you developed exceptional IT Project Management tools and frameworks with the potential to revolutionise the industry and bring projects closer to success?

Let’s collaborate and discover the best way to make that happen together.

Service Partnership

We are looking to accelerate IT Project Management Professionals and Enthusiasts towards their goals, and we believe that the collective insight of experienced minds in the space will make a whole world of difference. ‘

If you’d like to participate in our coaching and mentorship programs, we’d love to hear from you.

Academia Partnership

We are striving to bring the knowledge and expertise of IT Project Management to enthusiasts, to equip them even before they enter the workforce. 

If you’d be interested in introducing a curated curriculum and/or workshops for students in your academia, let’s talk possibilities and opportunities.

Training Partnership

Do you have accredited training or affiliate programs that you believe would benefit our growing community?

Let’s discuss your offerings and the potential ways they could impact overall success. 

Partnership Form

Workshop Requisition

Training Requisition

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